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Power of 9

Year 9 is an exciting year at Hutchins as students are welcomed into the Senior School through the Power of 9 program. The aim of the Power of 9 program is to encourage and assist students in developing the skills, passion, positive attitudes, values, and forms of knowledge necessary for planning their pathway and being successful through Years 10, 11 and 12 and beyond.

Power of 9 logo

Year 9 is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a range of new and exciting possibilities. Students are encouraged to get involved and take advantage of these opportunities. It is the view of Hutchins that students should be challenged and extended, offered success in worthwhile learning activities and be given the opportunity to take responsibility for their journey.

The Power of 9 is designed to develop in students a stronger sense of purpose. This course is undertaken in two parts:

  1. The Challenge, which is studied for one quarter of the year
  2. The subjects, which are studied for three quarters of the year

Your purpose, your challenge, your subjects

The Challenge

Study is undertaken at the Marieville Esplanade campus and challenges students academically, physically, socially and cognitively. Students are given the opportunity to engage in controlled risk taking and to learn more about working effectively as part of a team. The skills that are developed are:

  • Flexibility
  • Tolerance
  • Problem-solving
  • Resourcefulness
  • Self-reliance and independence
  • Teamwork

Each Challenge occurs at a different time during the year and consists of two phases:

The Experience

The Expedition

The experience + the expedition = the challenge

The Experience

The Experience is a series of specific experiential learning activities built around a number of specific themes:

  • Life skills – developing the resilience, planning, and teamwork skills necessary to make decisions and take responsibility for one’s actions
  • Spirituality – exploring the spiritual dimension, about belief and faith, the power of stillness and silence and approaching the ‘big questions’ of life
  • Leadership – developing the skills to make the world a better place, being prepared to lead and be led
  • Personal management – developing the skills in personal organisation, domestic life, physical and mental health and careers to act with confidence as one faces major transitions in life
  • Values learning – examining core values and the importance of relationships that underpin a life of purpose
  • Environmental awareness – critically evaluating individual and community behaviour so communities can develop and manage a more sustainable world

The Expedition

In this phase, students experience the exhilaration of personal achievement through involvement in a journey of exploration and discovery unique to each Challenge. Students will experience the sights, smells and sensations of activities and environments very different from what they are used to. The Expedition has four phases:

Preparing > participating > evaluating > celebrating

Preparing for the Expedition involves developing the skills required to complete the Challenge and may involve completing a first aid course and participating in the fundraising for the community service project unique to each challenge. This culminates in a unique and purposely designed two week expedition.

Challenge choices

There are four different challenges from which students choose:

  1. Global Challenge
  2. Port Davey Challenge
  3. Indigenous Australian Challenge
  4. Island Challenge
  5. Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture Challenge

Global Challenge

This Challenge is an amazing cultural immersion experience taking you to a side of Fiji very few foreigners ever get to see. You will be welcomed into your Fijian family through traditional ceremony and then join with them for 12 days of life in Highlands. You will hike ancient trails to epic waterfalls, learn warrior dances, and provide the fare for a traditional feast by working on the farm, fishing in the rivers and joining local hunting parties.

You also enjoy an opportunity to connect with primary school aged students at Nasivikoso Village School and make friends with students your own age from Navosa Central College by participating in educational, cultural and sporting activities. During this time you learn about the language, history and richness of traditional Fijian village life. Villages in this part of Fiji are largely vehicle-free and without electricity, hot water or modern conveniences, but perhaps the most striking difference is the generosity of the locals and the community spirit. You will come back inspired to be more connected to each other, the environment you live in, your family, and community.

We partner with Destination Dreaming a non-profit organisation that works with schools to create sustainable community partnerships that teach young people about global citizenship, self-awareness and social justice.

Due to the overseas travel component, parents/carers are advised that there is a levy of between $4,000 and $5,000 for this Challenge.

This Challenge is dependent upon no travel restrictions being in place at the scheduled time of the trip and sufficient student interest.

Port Davey Challenge

The ultimate wilderness challenge! Walk one of the world’s premier wilderness treks in the pristine Port Davey area of Southern Tasmania and sail the high seas aboard the sail training brigantine Windeward Bound.

You will see and feel the power of the Southern Ocean, traverse the mighty Ironbound Range and be inspired by the beauty of the South Coast. The beaches, forests and waterways of this remote area will change you.

You will undertake community service on behalf of the National Parks and Wildlife Service and then bushwalk along the South Coast Track to Cockle Creek. If you are up for this sort of extreme adventure, then this Challenge is for you.

Parents/carers are advised that there is a $1,000 levy to charter the Windeward Bound for this Challenge.

Indigenous Australia Challenge

The Challenge is based at Yipirinya, an independent indigenous school in Alice Springs. The children attend school from the camps that surround Alice Springs. The model of learning is two ways – they learn English and their own indigenous language.

You will assist the children with reading, working, writing and maths. You will cook and provide them with meals each day. You will be immersed in the culture and experience of Indigenous communities. You will also travel to Uluru, Watarrka and the Kata Tjuta to experience the cultural significance of these ancient and spiritual places. During visits to these magnificent sites you will experience sunrise and sunset views of Uluru, campfire dinners and stories under the stars.

A commitment to fundraising for the community service project is fundamental to this Challenge. Because of the travel component parents are advised that there is a levy of $1,500 for this Challenge.

The Indigenous Australia Challenge will be dependent upon no travel restrictions being in place at the scheduled time of the trip and sufficient student interest.

Island Challenge

The Island Challenge will present you with a real-life adventure through a problem-solving, multi-sport team challenge. It will involve an extended stay in Tasmania’s isolated wilderness. You will experience the realities of remoteness and have to be self-sufficient, self-reliant and also work as part of a team.

You will begin the Challenge with very little information and your journey will be ‘discovered’ as you go. It will involve being outdoors for the majority of your time away and you will be making camp, preparing meals and ‘living’ in a variety of the spectacular environments our island state has to offer. You will have to use your mind just as much as your physical skills to get through this Challenge. Your comfort, success and enjoyment will be a product of your team’s combined skills and co-operation.

Like the other Challenges there will be a community service component however, unlike the others your itinerary will be a closely guarded secret. If you are prepared to deal with life’s ‘unknowns’ you will thrive in this Challenge.

There is no levy for this Challenge.

Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture Challenge

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture Challenge will allow you to discover the depth of traditional cultural knowledge present here within our home State. By traveling to significant places throughout Tasmania with members of the local Aboriginal community, we will learn the stories of the past, understand the present and look to the future. Experiencing our beautiful and wild places through an Aboriginal cultural lens will transform and enrich our connection to the place we call home. This journey of discovery will broaden our knowledge and respect for one of the world’s oldest living cultures and provide an opportunity to contribute to our society through community service with local organisations and charities.

There is no levy for this Challenge.

The subjects

Students study a mix of compulsory and elective subjects.

Compulsory subjects

  • Australian Studies
  • English
  • Mathematics or Everyday Mathematics
  • Science
  • The Project
  • Wellbeing

Elective subjects

Students choose four subjects where the emphasis is on creativity, language and performance. The choices are:

  • Athlete Performance
  • Chinese
  • Designer Maker
  • Drama Technique
  • French
  • Game Making
  • Media Arts
  • Music
  • Personal Investing
  • Visual Art and Media
  • English as a Second Language
  • Power Up

For further information about the Power of 9 please contact Ms Caitlyn Tulk, Co-ordinator of Power of 9.

To learn more about the opportunities we provide for boys to become their best, contact our Enrolments Assistant, submit an online Enquiry form or phone 03 6221 4236. We encourage you to book a tour with our Registrar as this is the best way to see our School in action. Read more…