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Safeguarding Children

At The Hutchins School we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people to be our highest priority. We are dedicated to protecting the children and young people in our community and have undertaken training and policy development with the Australian Childhood Foundation Safeguarding Children and Young People Program.

Mr Benjamin Searle is the School’s Safeguarding Children and Young People Co-ordinator and also the Policy and Compliance Manager. He can be contacted at benjamin.searle@hutchins.tas.edu.au.

Our safeguarding children policies are regularly reviewed and endorsed by the School Board. These policies underpin the broader School policy body and state the School’s strong commitment to the protection of children and young people. The key policies in safeguarding children are:

Information for Parents/Carers

Information for Students

Reporting child abuse and neglect

To learn more about the opportunities we provide for boys to become their best, contact our Enrolments Assistant, submit an online Enquiry form or phone 03 6221 4236. We encourage you to book a tour with our Registrar as this is the best way to see our School in action. Read more…